Webinar Registration:

Quick tour of the newly enhanced Engage MIS

Tuesday 11th October
1-130pm UK time
SEQTA Logo Reverse - Mono.png
Better Education.
Better World.
Leading School Management Through Powerful Data.

Easy. Clever.
OMNILINK Reverse (flat).png
Linking People and Information.

Better Education.
Better World.

Leading School Management Through Powerful Data.

Easy. Clever. 

Linking People and Information.

School Management Information System

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The world's best School MIS just got better - find out how

The right MIS keeps your school on track and empowers your staff, students, and parents with all the information they need in a modern, user-friendly system. A regular review of your school systems is vital to ensure you have the right systems for your school as it grows and evolves.

Engage - the premium cloud-based School Management Information System has enhanced it’s user interface with cleaner and faster navigation, whilst still offering everything your schools needs in one system.
This free webinar will explore:
  • Considerations for selecting the right system for your school
  • A quick tour of the existing enhancements to Engage MIS
  • The importance of system user experience in school community engagement

text or content

Masterclass Overview

Designed for primary and secondary school leaders and educators.

During this live and interactive webinar, you will learn:
  • How an increased digital load is adding to the micro-stressors in teachers’ lives
  • Why your brain and body needs peak-performance pit-stops and the 3M framework to beat burnout
  • Science-backed solutions to ensure their ‘Digital Ways of Working’ are congruent with how their brains and bodies work best online
  • The micro-habits that teachers and school leaders can embed into their workdays.
  • How using the right technology can combat digital burnout.
  • How SEQTA, the leading teaching and learning software, can lessen workload, promote productive communication, and boost wellbeing and morale.
Engage: Built for the world's leading schools

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